Thursday, March 1, 2012

Who me??? Prejudice??

Give up at least one
of your prejudices.
Don’t have any?
Think again.
 Wow!!! Give up a prejudice?  Our faith and God/dess does not always make things easy huh?? First to admit to a prejudice....yes I have several, then to over come it. I hope the authors of this calender didn't mean in one day!!!!

One of mine in particular are rich people that seem to flaunt it. OK, maybe a lot of them work hard for their money , but I work my butt of for mine too and barely make it. Yes, I know a lot of it is envy and jealousy...but I still react with prejudice.
Another for me is people that I believe are so religiously conservative that I feel they are sheep. Not as in part of a healthy flock, but that can not think for themselves. Sometimes they make me angry, some times they scare me, some times I feel sorry for them. I also know many who feel sorry for me because they believe I will never see them in heaven.

This is just a couple....sigh, maybe I'm not as open minded as I had thought?? And boy does it seem having a prejudice or two or three....really brings out emotions.

So how do we fix a prejudice? How do we let go of one? I know often the answer is education, some times for both sides. Try to get to know some one you are prejudice against? A good idea, but often times due to society it hard to even meet some one "different" than you socially.

What if your prejudice is a group of people that have very different cultural beliefs,such as political leanings? Do you try to listen and learn their view point , or try to educate?  Both? Religion??? When you get into the your God my Goddess..your Jesus my Prophet? Can we over come these? Do we need to give in to what we morally believe to not be prejudice? CAN we learn from each other? I believe to save our families, communities, states, countries and the world....we have to. We must.
Is there a middle ground like we spoke of  the other night, the wonderful word COMPROMISE? 

What if some one is prejudice against you? As a queer, autistic, mostly deaf female, with seizures...yep I've experienced it. Everything from pretending I don't exist, to bullies, to even calling me evil and devil spawn. Yea I'm serious I've been called devil spawn. 

I asked a lot of questions, none that I have answers for. Many that I am now thinking of , more then before today's Lenten task? Any one up to joining me in discussion on this in comments here on the blog or on The Autistic Mystic Face book Page  ? 
I would love to hear and discuss your thoughts. I have way more to learn then I thought. 

Challenge those
who are pessimistic.
Speak to them with
an absurd optimism

This one sounds fun and a little scary !!!


Anonymous said...

This is wonderfully written, Carrie. Your thoughts never cease to amaze me. I am going to admit right now to sharing your prejudices! Especially about rich people who flaunt it. I do not believe, and never will, that it is earned. Not when we've put in the number of hours of work that we've put in - they have not put in more than we have. And oh, I could go on, but that would rather go against the point you're trying to make!(Mo)

Carrie Lynn Humphreys/ Autistic Mystic said...

I believe a lot is luck, who your daddy knows, and what you started with

Anonymous said...

Absolutely. Confidence has a lot to do with at least doing better than we have done, which is unfortunate. If all that was needed were hard work - we'd be rich! (Mo)

Carrie Lynn Humphreys/ Autistic Mystic said...

I think the confidence is right about a of of things.....making money, your feelings (prejudices) towards others..your willingness to over come obstacles such as the above

Aiynjel said...

just three words...COULDN'T AGREE MORE!!! I am on the same thinking path you are, not sure if that's good or loved reading this, as I do all of your blogs...

Carrie Lynn Humphreys/ Autistic Mystic said...

I'm so Gald you read.... Keep commenting maybe we can all grow together and then spread the growth!