Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Shelama, peace I wish for you. It is well with my soul because of the love of Yeshua

Give up anxiety. It’s
no fun. What is fun is
peace. Anxiety takes
over the place where
peace wants to play in
our hearts.What
about losing it?
Even for 12 days—
the rest of Lent.

ok folks. This is where team work comes into play and on this one I need you my readers.  Any thoughts on this one? Not platitudes or cliche's or "it gets better". I've been dealing with this same bully since this summer and am getting little to no help out of any but my close circle of friends. I have been made to feel like the problem to fix is mine.
I would love to give it up for 12 days and that will be my goal , if I'm not mistaken part of the problem has a vacation at the end of that time. 

SO here is me...raw and honest......THIS  this out reach and ministry is my calling....that feeds me and medically insures my family.
THIS here brings me joy and fulfillment....that empties me and hurts. I ave never been a huge crier unless in total autistic met down mode or Hallmark commercial. I do wonder how much longer I can take suggestions for a 12 day break in anxiety would be amazing!!!

Yes It is well with my soul. But right heart and feelings hurt so much that the anxiety does not go away. So again I ask, because I know I'm not alone......what do you do my friends??

Shelama   Peace I wish for you!!!


Aiynjel said...

If it wasn't a felony....I would walk in, beat the hell out of her and dump her in a dumpster... but again, that is a felony and lots of time in jail. With that said, I think the best you can do is trying to ignore her and focus on your job and what is required of you by the company.. This does not make it easier I know, but unless more people stand up against her and report her, little will be done..Maybe there is a chance for a transfer to another store..I'm not sure, but I hate the way she is treating you and that you have to go through so much stress and anxiety..You have enough to go through with her bull...Huggles and snuggles..<3

Terry said...

Have you tried talking to her? Sometimes direct conversation can change a person's behavior. I have had that work and then sometimes I have had to just put my head down, do my job and pray for respite. The latter takes more time...I spent 3 years doing that with a co-worker one time. She evently got another job and left the agency. When she did I was told that everyone had realized how she liked to create drama.

A friend of mine had to go to HR to get a co-worker to leave her alone.

I wish I had easier answers for you...know that you are loved and we are praying for you.
