Tuesday, March 13, 2012

money money money!!!!

Stop stressing about
money. It won’t help.
Plan, don’t panic.

Money makes the world go around!!! Right?? I mean it does doesn't it? We pay for....well every thing it seems. Health care to food.... Rent/Mortgage to heat. Some times we even pay a little for love. No not saying we buy it, but we do pay for dates or even just a cup of coffee to get to know one another. Even people already together talk about "cheap" date nights, or going away to have time alone. None of these are wrong, most are necessary, but money does make the world go round.

Platitudes such as the above stop stressing, don't panic , plan are another easier said then done. Almost makes me angry and feel like a semi- well off person in a comfortable house with a big yard, full refrigerator, good insurance, etc. wrote this one. (Remember...one of my prejudices is wealthy people. I'm still working on it.) It makes me upset because it seems to imply that I've made no plans in my life, that I haven't worked for every penny I've earned since I was about 14. Maybe I should have planed better and been born into a wealthy family so I could have some kind of head start. I should have planned better so I could hang out in a nice dorm while getting my education rather then working my tail off to survive while getting it. Planned to not be gay so I could be a pastor right out of school/college/seminary like my "plan" was and follow what I felt and still feel as my calling.

I wish I had planned not to be born mostly deaf and then continue to get ear infections my whole life so no it takes expensive hearing aids and and a not cheap surgery and recovery. Planned to not have a seizure and wreck my car and lose my license. My list goes on and on.....if you think I'm whining, go ahead and make yours , start casual and see where it goes.

Sense some anger and resentment about money?? You bet ya!!! There is plenty there.

Then I take a deep breath....maybe meditate a few minutes....take a walk out side and think of what I have. It's cliche' , but even tough I may not be "young" I have the world at my feet. This beautiful gift that God/dess as given each of us. Yes some times I feel my road is a little harder then some others....but is it the hardest?? Nope!!! IS it as harder or harder than even some of those I see every day? NO!!! Emphatically NO!

I do have love in my life. I have shoes on my feet, clothes on my back, covers on my bed, contacts in my eyes, and hearing aids behind my hears. I'm blessed to have these and a much bigger list.  Yes they are God/dess given. I was in a spot this year that I really couldn't afford any of this and thanks to Jamie's family and some pretty amazing friends in our lives we never went with out. There were times that we found out who our true friends were (no not just the ones that gave money.....but the ones that also gave love and support) and we lost a few "friends" along the way.

 "Then Jesus said to his disciples, 'I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.'" Matthew 19:23-24 

"For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?" Matthew 16:26 

Do I think Jesus or any other prophet is saying you can't go to heaven if you are rich? No I don't, but I think it has something to do with learning to share, and helping others.  You know...the don't be greedy and do unto others stuff just about every religion/spirituality has.

 “And ye harm none, do what ye will”.
From the Wiccan  Rede (kinda like Christian 10 Commandments but I'm still learning, Please be patient and learn with me...if you know more please feel free to share!!!)

That one is pretty simple, an example...and if you hoard money when others are starving and dying, how can you look in the mirror and believe you are harming none?

I may have gone of track, since what I really think what the writer of today's challenge  is really trying to say along with the planning and "God/dess helps those who help themselves" is faith faith faith. Faith in God/dess, faith in the world, faith in each other.

Matthew 6:30
"And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?"

How do we reach this sense of faith, when we struggle, we see others with so much more and it feels like that have it easier? For one we don't know what any one goes home to. We don't know God/dess's pans for us. For example if I had lived my life as I thought I was going to I wouldn't be here where I am today....and I know beyond a shadow of doubt I'm in the right place.

I went to Al-anon for awhile, one of the slogans is " Keep coming back, it works if you work it."   Turns out it didn't really work for me, but some of the ideas I still carry with me today. As far as keep coming back....so much of life is like this......it can be hard...but keep coming back, get up get dressed and live it!!!  Have faith...plan...ask for help when needed...pray, meditate, center yourself. Try to remove toxins or yourself from toxic situations and live! (Wait did we just tie a lot of this Lenten calender back on itself....mmmmm interesting.)

OK today I did a lot of  Christian biblical quotes....trying to get more well rounded, so any one that has education or resources for me feel free to jump in!!!

Peace out my friends, take a chill pill, don't panic

(and yes I know I'm still learning this like every other lesson in this Lenten list!)

Say thank you to the
person who taught
you how to say "I'm

1 comment:

Tonia said...

This blog touched me so much. I always say "Money doesn't make the world go around, but it sure a heck greases the axles." Without the truest of friends and the love and support of family, I would have given up years ago. I have hit so low that I have had to reach up to touch rock bottom, but I never give up...it is easier said than done, I promise you that. But I have noticed that wnehever things get the worst I think they are God/dess sees that we get what we need because we have faith and work hard..sending love and huggles as always...