Monday, March 26, 2012

This big green,blue and white marble

Give up credit cards.
Or at least try not
to use them this week.

How to write about credit cards when I don't have the money to have a credit card? Sure I have a bank card that comes right out of my account so that really doesn't count as a credit card even tough it says Visa. It seems my friends and blog followers are in two groups...we either don't have credit cards (or use what little we have for food and medical) or it seems some have money and credit and since that is beyond my scope I really can't offer an opinion. So I thought I was at a loss to be able to write on today's topic. Then it hit me...the greatest credit/trust we are given, is this world we live on.

So much of humanity forgets we share it with one another. With the animals, with the wild life and with the future. Yes, its not ours alone to consume. We have been intrusted with its care.

Genesis 1:26
Then God said, "Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us. They will with be intrusted with  the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock, all the wild animals on the earth, and the small animals that scurry along the ground."
MOST a of us, if we are parents or not, if we "favor" children or not do not want the world to end. We want to save it for some one, for some group..... I for example want to see young gay teens grow in a safe world and for the word to be here for the day that all HUMANS are equal. I want the world to be here when people find out that autistic individuals are not a burden but a gift!!! And most of all I want there to be an earth to worship and celebrate on when all religions lay downs arms of destruction and reach out human arms of welcome to one another and realize we really are actually very much alike.

I have friends that the concept may be more conservation minded, that love to fish, to be out on the open water and want future generations to have that joy. For the waters not to be fouled to the point those very fish don't die out and future generations are not trying to boat through muck.
If you love animals how can you want anything other then keeping the environment safe for them? We may be able to protect our pets, but what about the wild life? Jamie and I have recently found out our local water is so bad we can't even purify it to sustain our fish and frogs...we will have to start buying bottled water. (How many of you here are old enough to remember when the idea of buying bottled water to drink was rather odd and funny? It wasn't that long ago . Personally, besides the very odd soda machine that had it in a can at a state fair I had never had bottled water till college)

This is repaying a credit. This making heaven on earth. This is repaying a credit bigger than we can ever comprehend. The gift of life. The gift of this planet. The gift of love. AND most of all the gift of each other.

If we step back and look at this beautiful world from a can we not only repay the credit but make it better and save it for the future.

P.S. Some times God/dess likes to wack us with a 2x4 . I kept looking at songs that I thought would work (most Christin songs and for some reason amongst gospel and other Christian music this lovley Jewish lady and her beautiful voice and song kept appearing. So I guess God/dess wanted it here for you. )

Shelama my friends


Aiynjel said...

Wow, I could not tell you the last time I just took a walk in and admired nature. I can not remember when I just stopped worrying about bills, who I owe, how I am going to have food and fuel. Sometimes, we just need to take a step back and enjoy and admire what God/dess had allowed us to have on this great planet. We take so much for granted. Love this post as I love them all..and love you and J too...<3

Carrie Lynn Humphreys/ Autistic Mystic said...

So glad u liked it ! In the rush of life and money and bills and money. We forget the gifts!